Condition builder - usability improvements

minor version 1.5.5, relase date 2017-08-07

In this release we have focused on usability improvements. We listened to you, our users, and decided to revamp the most challenging sections of application.

Collection selector

DataKick support many record types, and it became hard to choose from them. So we have created brand new record type selector.

Collection selector

When you are about to create new list or mass update, or if you need to join-in a new collection, this new screen will help you quickly and easily choose from available record types. The list is alphabetically ordered and important record types are highlighted

Condition builder

With the new condition builder it’s extremely easy to create filters and conditions.

The builder will first present you list of all available fields to choose the one you want to base your condition on.

Condition field list

Once you have selected the field, DataKick will automatically offer you all compatible filter functions based on its data type.

Condition operator

This way, you can create simple conditions quite easily. If you need to create more sophisticated conditions you can always switch to advanced mode and define your condition without any restrictions.

Condition Free Mode

New function and Schema enhancement

There is brand new function available called replaceAccentedChars You can use it to replace accented characters, such as é, č or ü, with their non-accented equivalents.

We have also improved productUrl function - it now accepts second parameter named combinationId. This is an optional parameter. If present, the generated url will point to concrete product combination.

Also we have added new metadata to datakick schema to support selecting foreign keys. For example, default category field in products points to categories. When you use this field in condition, DataKick will help you choose the category - you don’t need to remember category id anymore. Neat, isn’t it?

Select record

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