Use Cases
what are the most common use cases for DataKick module?
There are many problems merchants face in modern world. Your e-commerce website has to be integrated with numerous third party services. You need flexible tool to analyse your shop data in order to make the right decisions. Your have to keep your stock in sync with your suppliers. It can be overwhelming.
Why not automate these repetitive tasks and save significant amount of your time, and ensuring the smooth run of your website? That’s what DataKick can do for you.
Explore below what you can do with this module.
Import data
quickly import data to your prestashop
Generate XML data feeds
provide your data to google of Facebook
Synchronize prestashop data to ERP systems
export your orders and customers to your accounting software
Keep your inventory in sync with your dropshipping supplier
automatically update your shop data using external data feeds
Advanced reporting
create sales, tax or inventory reports
Mass-update your data
adjust price of multiple products or replace text in their descriptions,...
Tracking additional informations
track more data about your products, customers or orders
Automatically backup your prestashop data
set up automatic database backup and never loose your data