Ordered products

Collection of all ordered products


Field alias Description Data type Editable
canWrite write permission boolean
combinationId combination id number
currencyId currency id number
discountAmount specific price - discount amount currency
discountAmountWithoutTax specific price - discount amount without tax currency
discountPercent specific price - discount percentage number
downloadCount number of downloads number yes
downloadDeadline download deadline datetime yes
downloadHash download secure key string yes
ean13 product EAN 13/JAN Barcode string yes
ecotax ecotax currency
ecotaxRate ecotax rate number
groupDiscount group discount currency
groupDiscountPercent group discount % number
groupDiscountWithoutTax group discount without tax currency
id id number
invoiceId invoice id number
isDownload is download boolean
name name string yes
onStock sufficient quantity on stock boolean
orderId order id number
productId product id number
productReference product reference string yes
quantity quantity number
quantityDiscountApplied quantity discount applied boolean
refunded quantity refunded number
returned quantity returned number
shippingCost shipping cost currency
shippingCostWithoutTax shipping cost tax excl. currency
shopId shop id number
supplierReference product supplier reference string yes
taxName tax name string
taxRate tax rate number
totalPrice total price currency
totalPriceWithoutTax total price tax excl. currency
unitPrice unit price currency
unitPriceWithoutTax unit price tax excl. currency
upc product UPC code number yes
validatedOrder order is validated boolean
warehouseId warehouse id number
weight product weight number yes

Common expressions

Expression Description Data type
orderedProduct.isDownload && orderedProduct.validatedOrder can download boolean
if(orderedProduct.isDownload, <param:shopUrl>+'index.php?controller=get-file&key=file-'+orderedProduct.downloadHash,'') download link string


Relationship Relationshiop description
Has one combination Combination
Belongs to order Order
Has one product Product
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