Shopping Cart

collection of shopping carts


Field alias Description Data type Editable
allowSeparatedPackage allow separated package boolean yes
canWrite write permission boolean
carrierId carrier id number yes
created date created datetime yes
currencyId currency id number yes
customer customer string
customerId customer id number yes
deliveryAddressId delivery address id number yes
deliveryOption delivery option string yes
description cart description string
gift gift wrapping boolean yes
giftMessage gift message string yes
id id number
invoiceAddressId invoice address id number yes
items number of items number
languageId language id number yes
orderId order id number
quantity total quantity number
recyclable use recycled packaging boolean yes
secureKey secure key string yes
shop shop string
shopId shop id number
updated date updated datetime yes
visitorId visitor id number yes

Common expressions

Expression Description Data type
not(isEmpty(cart.orderId)) has order boolean


Relationship Relationshiop description
Has one address Delivery address
Has one address Invoice address
Has one carrier Used carrier
Has many and belongs to combinations Product combinations in cart
Has one currency Used currency
Has one customer Customer
Has one order Order
Has many and belongs to products Products in cart
Has one visitor Visitor
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